10 Lines on Our National Flag in English: Our National Flag is famously known as ‘Trianga’ or ‘The Tricolour’. In this article, you are going to read 2 sets of 10 lines on the Indian National Flag. So, let’s get started.
10 Lines on Our National Flag
1. Our National Flag is called Tiranga, which means ‘three colours’ or ‘tricoloured’ .
2. The National Flag of India is the symbol of freedom and glory.
3. The Indian National Flag was adopted in its present form on 22 July 1947.
4. It was designed by Pingali Venkayya, an Indian freedom fighter.
5. It has three colour bands. The top band is saffron, the middle band is white and the bottom band is green.
6. Saffron colour represents courage and sacrifice. White represents truth, peace and purity. Green represents prosperity.
7. There is a wheel (Ashoka Chakra) with 24 spokes in navy blue colour at the centre.
8. It is rectangular in shape. The ratio of the length to the width of the flag is 3:2.
9. Indian National Flag is made of khadi cloth, a special type of hand-spun cloth or silk, made popular by Mahatma Gandhi.
10. We should give utmost respect to our National Flag.
Also Read: 5 lines on Our National Flag

Our National Flag Essay 10 Lines
1. The National Flag of India stands for freedom of India.
2. The Constituent Assembly of India adopted the National Flag of India on 22 July 1947.
3. The National Flag of India was designed by Pingali Venkayya.
4. The horizontal tricolours of the National Flag of India are saffron, white and green.
5. The Ashoka Chakra in the centre of the National Flag of India has 24 spokes.
6. The Ashoka Chakra is an adoption from the Lion Capital of Emperor Ashoka at Sarnath.
7. The 24 spokes in the Ashoka Chakra signifies the 24 hours of the day.
8. The National Flag of India is made out of Khadi Cloth.
9. The ratio of the width to the length of the National Flag of India is 2:3.
10. Our National Flag helps us remember that we all the people of India are united and stand together.

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